Boost your Confidence, Learn to Protect Yourself, and Improve Your Fitness With Applied Wing Chun Kung fu

 Stronger and Healthier with Every Class

Body: Physical Discipline

Our program offers exciting ways to improve your fitness regardless of your background or goals. Our classes provide an outlet for people looking to improve their body composition and health, as well as those just looking for a great workout. Regular training in Applied Wing Chun will teach you to move your body in ways that improve your flexibility, coordination, stamina, balance, and overall all strength.

Mind: Mental Discipline

 Applied Wing Chun develops our students minds by helping them first learn how to be a student again, and then how to become hungry for knowledge. Students find that they become excited for the knowledge they gain, and the many ways they learn to apply that knowledge. This helps our students become eternal students in their every day life, seeking other ways to improve their life, work, and relationships. 


Spirit: Character Discipline

The martial arts spirit is synergistic combination of social fitness and character discipline. Our classes instill and develop deep rooted values in our students to help relieve stress, focus their intention and actions, and give them a sense purpose and confidence in life. 

Students learn to train the mind and body to work together, which develops the spirit through our Kung Fu family and our values and leadership programs. 

In our post-modern world it can be easy to find yourself stressed, feeling along, and depressed. Our students gain confidence and self-awareness through their training, which helps them regulate their emotions and actions both in the school and outside of the school.

About our Adult Class

Our students come to martial arts for many reasons. Confidence, self-defense, or something they wanted to try to help them get in shape. What they find through Wing Chun is more than just self-defense. It’s empowerment.

Wing Chun Kung Fu was originally designed by a woman. It is about learning to defend against bigger and stronger attackers. In a short amount of time a person can learn to defend themselves effectively.

At all levels students learn hand-to-hand fighting and weapons-based fighting. As students progress they learn to integrate skills in dynamic environments and against multiple opponents. 

Training consist of learning principles of:

  • Wing Chun Forms
  • Chi Sao
  • Striking
  • Counters to Strikes, Chokes and Holds
  • Manipulations & Trappings
  • Throws
  • Ground Work
  • Sustainment of skills
  • Conditioning & Free Sparring
  • Weapons

Schedule of days and times:

Beginner / Novice 1 classes are Mon & Wed at 7:45pm, Tuesdays at 6:30pm, and Saturdays at 8am.

Level 2 Intermediate / Level 3 Advanced classes are Mon & Wed at 6:30pm, and Sat at 10:30am.

Free Sparring Class is Tue at 7:45pm and Saturdays at 9:15am.

Adult Classes are offered Year Round

The dynamics of adult schedules are vastly different than children, which is why our adult programs run year around. Children are never mixed in with adult classes. 


To ensure our class sizes allow for individual attention and development, we cap our classes are 16 students per class.


To get started, view our "GAMA Way" below listing the "Fit Interview," Intro classes, On-Ramp, and Discovery. 

The "Fit" Interview

When we schedule the "Fit," interview it is first a phone call with our Lead Instructor to learn About You and learn your Interest in Wing Chun. 

After the Phone call you may be invited in for the "Fit Interview," where we can share with you about the Wing Chun Journey, and Determine if this is the right Fit.

About You

We want to learn about your goals, your background, and about your personal values.

Your Interest in Wing Chun

What led you here?
Why Wing Chun?

Wing Chun Journey

We'll share what the school is like.

What the classes are like, and what the process of learning consist of.

We'll discuss what the Wing Chun Journey is.

Determine the Fit

In closing we'll determine together whether this is the right opportunity for you. We want to ensure you represent the values of our school. We want to ensure you are looking to become a better person through martial arts.

If during The "Fit Interview" we both agree this is what you want, and you demonstrate the kind of student we want to have in our school, then you we'll schedule you for a Intro class. 

Intro Classes

Where the new student gains an introduction to Wing Chun, learns how to be a Kung Fu Student, and how to attend classes. 

The Intro is a two-way trial. We want the student to learn whether or not this is where they want to be, and the instructor is assessing whether the student has a positive attitude about learning. We're not assessing skill or skill potential. We're assessing values. 

Students who possess a positive attitude and embody our school values of: honor, respect, compassion, humility, and dedication are offered the opportunity to join classes full-time in our Discovery process.

Our Intro classes occur on Saturday morning at 7am, and then Monday and Wednesdays at 6pm.  

After the Intro class students are invited to our (4) classes On-Ramp program over a two-week period.


During the On-Ramp students attend (4) Adult Novice classes during our regular class times to experience what class is like, see if this is what they want to learn and experience, and get a feel for the Wing Chun journey experience.

It is also an opportunity for the instructor to see how the potential student interacts with the Kung Fu Family.  

Students who are humble and passionate about learning Wing Chun, and respectful of all other students in the school will receive an invitation to enroll our Basic Program.  

This occurs in an Enrollment appointment to begin their Wing Chun Journey.

(Basic Program)

During the first 12-months of classes you will begin applying realistic movement to realistic striking:

  • learn self-defense to control your space
  • Improve your emotional regulation
  • Increase your confidence
  • Learn self-discipline
  • Learn to set and follow through with goals
  • Improve your fitness
  • Access to Special Events 

We refer to this stage as "Discovery," because this is the stage where you will begin regular classes with our current students, join our Kung Fu Family, and learn what it takes to defend yourself, and improve your mind, body, and spirit. 

During the first 12-months you'll discovery whether this is where you want to be, whether this is working with your schedule and dynamics of work and family.

Cancellation Policy:  Our promise to you is that you will be more confident in 30-days or we'll refund your tuition.

During your 12-months of training, if you are enjoying the classes, feeling more confident, and having fun with martial arts and fitness, then you'll be invited to join either our Masters Club or Leadership Development program. Both programs help you earn your way towards Black Sash.

Ready to Schedule The "Fit Interview"

Due to limited space, we offer our Intro classes twice a month. To get started schedule your "Fit Interview" today. 

I want to Schedule The "Fit Interview!"

Please complete the "Fit Interview" form to be contacted with schedule details.

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