
The Moral Compass of Martial Arts: Finding True North moralcompass values Jan 09, 2024

When we think of a compass, we often envision a tool used for navigation and geographical orientation. However, there is another kind of compass that is not as well-known today - a moral compass. Just like a physical compass helps us find our way when technology fails, a moral compass guides us...

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Developing Values in Others values Sep 23, 2022

I think we can all agree all teachers regardless of what genre inspire their students and influence them. It doesn't matter if it's a school teacher, driver’s education teacher, basketball coach, dance teacher, or martial arts teacher. Each teacher, coach, and leader will influence those...

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Right Vs Wrong values Jun 27, 2022

It can be easy for others to judge. Judging someone's action for many people is based on their own ideals, beliefs, and values. However, what is right to one person, might be wrong to another. The perception of Right vs wrong is based on adherence to standards of conduct appropriate to a culture,...

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Focus and Self Control values Jun 07, 2022

People often think the martial arts is about winning a fight. But truly it's about winning the fight inside yourself.


Learning Self-Control and Focus through martial arts has far reaching effects on our lives.


Self-control put simply is learning to control your thoughts and actions....

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